
Stop asking “why?”

This is something a priest shared with the congregation recently. (Anyways, by the time you reach the last line, you’ll know such wise words could never be mine šŸ˜› )

Ever wondered why everybody around is unhappy?Ā  Why there are so many complaints , so many grumblings, and so many long faces? Continue Reading »


22-11-2010, Monday: Started collecting all important documents (pay slips, appraisal letters , performance mails etc).Ā  Had a double chai at the katta . Felt like any other Monday. Worst day of the week. Every week.

23-11-2010, Tuesday: Started going through the mails in my outlook. Realized that I have thousands of mails. Curse myself for not doing this before. Work extra hours to finally finish half of the lot. Curse myself again. Continue Reading »

This is the 10th most expensive street in the world (as of 2008 survey)

The house in question is a twenty-seven floor residence belonging to one family.

Number of people staying here : 5

Estimated staff requirements for maintaining this home : 600 Continue Reading »

I have always been a big fan of mystery books. Always always always . I think you got the point, but what I am saying is that I have always been a big fan of mystery books. (OK OK, wont irritate more)
But a spark that was lit by Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew has Continue Reading »

Lost at night

Darn… another dream, another spoilt night.
You know you are in trouble
when sleep is no more your rest,
but instead a long battle through the night.

I have touched rock bottom,
I pause for a minute of self-pity,
and then I let myself slide
to an altogether new low.

“You didn’t make any mistakes,
You committed no wrong”, screams a voice inside.
Yet I find myself tired and lonely.
Cold and banished to my very own hell.

I want out.
I wish to travel back in time,
I want to revert a few select moments,
moments that changed the course of my life.

The scars on my body have healed.
What remains are the wounds on my mind.
Those very memories that made me smile.
Now prick my heart through the night.

The once cool breeze hurts.
The stars outside mock me.
They ensure the pain inside stays alive.
Somehow every beautiful thing annoys.

I return to my once inviting bed.
I lie back drenched in sweat.
I am but completely broken inside.
I close my eyes, I try to calm my mind.
Sleep finally returns,
as my weary body triumphs over my restless mind.

The stars fade away, the sun arrives.
A new day has begun, my chance to rise and shine.
To try to drive away all weariness that sleep has brought into my life.
I shall spend this day in toil, to try and earn that dreamless sleep tonight.

The last week has been a torrid week for Indian football. A promising coach threatens to quit, frustrated by the stifling Federation and the idiotic officials. Asian Cup preparations in disarray. And the worst,one of India’s best-managed clubs is all but history.

This is the story of two clubs , two clubs separated by the high seas, by financial clout, by popular support and by their forecast-ed future. This is another dark chapter from the depressing story of Indian football. One with few heroes, lots of secondary characters who should have never been associated with the sport in India. Continue Reading »

OK first a confession. I am not the first to ask this question. Nor was I the first to hear it. But I have heard the same question from so many people , I am forced to spend a drab afternoon doing something about it. Continue Reading »

I once read this joke in the pages of Reader’s Digest. It was from a lady in the US.

“Stuck in rush hour traffic, I couldn’t help but stare when a burly biker wearing a black leather jacket and chaps pulled up next to me on a shocking pink Harley Davidson. My first thoughts were, “Is that really a pink Harley? I wonder if he’s….”
Just then the traffic cleared, and he pulled in front of me. On the back of his helmet were stenciled the words “Yes it is. No I am not.” Continue Reading »

Why is it that which I yearn for,
is what seems most difficult to have.
What I so wistfully long for,
lie beyond my stretched arms.

Why is that which only I see,
so far beyond my reach.
What I sense, can almost touch
remain but just a dream.

Are my dreams too good to be true,
My wishes too big for me ?
Am I being naive and wishful,
trying to attain what better people crave ?

My head is telling me to stop.
To turn and attempt a smaller peak.
To shift gaze from my desire.
to those that are closer to reality.

Why can’t I turn and walk away,
Why can’t I bring myself to quit ?
Heaven knows I have tried real hard,
haven’t missed a single beat.

I have often been to this point,
where I am ready to leave my dream behind.
I am just as broken as before.
My heart has accepted defeat.

But then as I turn to leave,
I cant resist one last look at the peak.
For one more glimpse of my goal.
To feel what life could be.

The peak appears closer than before.
May be one more try is what my dream seeks.
I shall try again, one last time.
This might just be the one last chance I need.

Maybe I am setting myself up for another fall.
Maybe another defeat is what lies in store for me.
But I can’t bring myself to stop.
To quit and leave what I so dearly seek.

“Let me give it one last shot”,
With my inner turmoil I plead,
Maybe to try once more is my destiny.
May the good Lord continue to be with me.

I am sure everybody will agree that Avatar was easily the most anticipated movie of the year. (For most at least :P). James Cameroon is known for delivering fantastic movies with great effects. If The Terminator movies 1 and 2 and Aliens were amazing, then Titanic simply takes a person’s breath away. So when the news about Avatar was out, it easily got people all over the world excited. Plus it was 3D. It looked like things couldn’t get any better. Continue Reading »